
My name is Christine Hoskin, and I am a freelance indexer and owner of Schoolhouse Indexing.  I would be interested in working with you by providing back-of-the-book indexing services for your project.

I welcome the opportunity to offer you quality Schoolhouse-fall_web.jpgindexing in a broad variety of fields. As a member of the American Society for Indexing and a user of CINDEX indexing software, I am well prepared to tackle the indexing projects that you might encounter.

My years of indexing experience include work in a number of fields including:

  • education (both in English and French)
  • social sciences and culture
  • children’s nonfiction/elementary education
  • business and economics
  • law and legal issues
  • health, medicine and psychology
  • travel, tourism and hospitality
  • environmental sciencesTeacher and kids_web
  • history and biography

I am a professional who is strong in:

  • meeting deadlines,
  • responding to client requests with prompt and courteous service, and
  • capturing the essence of a book with well-worded, concise index entries.

I am pleased to provide any additional information that may be helpful to you.  Please contact me to discuss a project or with indexing questions:Schoolhouse-winter_web.jpg

Christine Hoskin, Schoolhouse Indexing

10-B Parade Ground Road
Etna, NH 03750