National Indexing Day

Indexing: the art of connecting readers with knowledge.Indexers: the detail oriented artists who make that happen. I’ve been a professional indexer for 18 years. It’s been a gift – reading books, being creative in how to make information accessible for readers, adding value to books that authors have worked so hard to write, working from […]

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Index vs. search function

Does my book need an index? That is a question writers should always ask. Will a search function do the job instead? The short answer – no. Indexes create a map to the information in a book. The index will inform the reader where to find a given topic. The index will inform a possible […]

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Self-Employment Joys and Woes

Is it the American dream to be self-employed?  To be your own boss is often a life goal.  Often, however, people are not really sure what owning their own business entails.  There are, indeed, many benefits, but there are drawbacks as well.  Venturing into self-employment, especially freelance self-employment, requires careful consideration. In the publishing field, […]

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Publishing Industry Job Descriptions – Who Does What?

Terminology choice is the key to good writing (and good indexing) – obviously an important aspect of the publishing business.  But the terminology choices for the professions in publishing remain a mystery sometimes. Recently someone posted an article on LinkedIn asking if people outside your profession really understand what you do.  The answer is clearly […]

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