Professional Organization – Enough Bang for the Buck?

Many industries have professional organizations that represent the field and the interests of those employed in that area.  Indexing is no exception.  The American Society for Indexing (ASI) is the U.S.-based professional organization representing both indexers and the field of indexing as a profession. One of the questions that all professionals must answer for themselves […]

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Mentoring Benefits

It’s nice to know that sometimes our enthusiasm for our field of work is contagious… enough to encourage others to join the profession (the profession in my case is indexing).  I have had several opportunities over the last few years to provide the spark that ignites other people’s interest in being an indexer and to […]

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Quote about the value of books

Great quote about the value of books: Reading a wonderful book by W.D. Wetherell called “The Writing on the Wall,” I ran across a quote that makes me happy to work in publishing and be part of creating great books: “Right now, understand? Out there, out across the country, men and women not much older […]

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